Speeking @ Telekom #AGILISTA BARCAMP 2020

Online , Germany

When and where? June 25 & 26 #stayhome we will meet virtually using WebEx & Miro  everyone with internet access can join dress code: leisure jumper   […]

Speeking @ Scrum Speakers MeetUp Munich

Online , Germany

Agenda: 18:00 Gather and settle down 18:05 Opening - Agile Game MacGyver | A funny game to nurture the agile mindset within scrum teams | English […]

Speeking @ Telekom #AGILISTA BARCAMP 2020 Teil 2

Online , Germany

Auch dieses Mal sind wir wieder dabei und werden über das Thema: "Vom Manager zum Leader1" sprechen. Also freut euch schonmal auf den Vortrag. Er beginnt […]